Thursday, May 19, 2011

Confession Time

So lately I've felt like I've ate a ton of humble pie. haha there's just been things I've had to admit to myself and have had to own up to. It's been good for me and has helped me realized a lot. I guess I'm starting to grow up.... I am almost 20 afterall :)

Anywho... one thing I realized this week is that hanging out with people from high school can be pretty fun! Never thought I'd say that. Not that I don't have friends still from high school, but last year I was just all for meeting new people and hanging out with people not from the valley. I just had this weird phase I guess :) I wanted something new! I hung out with a bunch a people from high school the other day and it was a blast! Not that I really hung out with any of them really in high school, but you just have this connection/bond from going to the same school and can look back on a lot of memories. It is so much more fun hanging out with them outside of the high school setting! People are getting back from their missions and I'm really excited for all the new change!

The other thing I decided is I'm actually excited to go back to my home ward's single ward and not the one up at the university. That's something I never thought I'd say either! It's hard driving 20 minutes to church to go out to Hyrum, but I think there will be a lot of cool people in it to make it fun and enjoyable!

Life is just funny lately because I had some people ask me the other day who I hang out with usually and I had no response. I have certain different groups I usually hang out with in rotation, but I really don't have friends I hang out with every time I get the chance. I like hanging out with lots of different people and meeting new friends. That is something that has definitely changed since I was in high school. I had a hard time adjusting to change. I guess that's something college has taught me. Now I can't plan anything longer than a month in advance because plans are always changing. It's kind of annoying but I can be a pretty spur-of-the-moment person. I guess it's nice that I'm flexible or life would be even more challenging than it already is!

Well it's funny how random life can be, but that's what's makes it interesting. I'm so excited for summer and all the adventures that will come with it! :)

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