So last the blog world heard from me I was unsure of if I could find a job, if I would have to move..... basically where my life was headed :) Well I am pleased to announce that LOGAN is where I'm supposed to stay. After a long search, many prayers, and job application after job application, I found not one, but TWO nursing jobs!!! At the end of August I got hired on at Access Home Care and Hospice as a pediatric nurse and a couple weeks after that I got hired on at Cache Valley Hospital on their MED/SURG, inpatient floor!!! The fact I got hired on at the hospital as a new RN is just unreal to me!!! Words can't express how grateful I am to have gotten that position.
The last couple months have definitely been a blur :) Most if not all of my time has been spent training or working.... at least the pay is worth it right? It has been very hard, challenging, and kind of scary starting into a new job, let alone my career, but I have learned so much and gained a lot of experience from it. At the end of this month I will just be switching down to one job, which I am so grateful for. Coordinating schedules for both jobs has been a bit of a challenge. I will just be working at the hospital. I'm technically just hired as a PRN nurse, but they have me scheduled full time for the next little while which I am excited for so hopefully I can move into a more secure position when the opportunity comes up!
I loved working home care when I was a CNA, but I have found that as a nurse it's just not for me. I've gotten to work with some very sweet kids, but I have found that the hospital setting is just a better fit for me and what I'm looking for in a lifetime career. I also get more of an opportunity to use more of my nursing skills and surgery has always been so fascinating to me. I have adored all of the people I work with at CVSH. I have been amazed at all the wonderful people that work there and how everything runs. I did my internship there while I was still in school and I was so fortunate to be able to keep working there and improving my skills. God was definitely looking out for me! I wouldn't be where I am without his guidance. I never pictured this is where I would have ended up, but I'm so glad he pushed me in the right direction :)
So now that I know I'll be staying in Logan for the next long while.... I'm hoping to move out ASAP to somewhere in north logan area with some good roomies so if anyone is interested... hit me up ;) I'm ready to move out again!
As if the whole new job change wasn't enough...... I also got a new car!!!!!! My old car just decided it was time to retire so on a whim I had to go find a new car and I'm very happy with my 2010 Mazda 3!!!!! I love love LOVE it!!!! I was hoping to wait another year to get a new car because I wanted something with all-wheel drive, but this car will suite me just fine for now at this stage of life :)
Oh and then I decided that wasn't enough change in my life so I dyed my hair!!!! hahaha I am now a brunette and I love it!!! It's been fun to change it up :) Some people don't recognize me anymore so I find that entertaining.
Well that's my life the last little while in a nutshell! Life has been crazy lately with trying to balance work, being the relief society president in my ward, family, friends, social life, and sleep? yeah I don't really know what that is anymore ha I work both days and nights so my body is pretty messed up! Ha I can't complain though. I am very blessed and happy with where my life is headed! My bro leaves on his mission in like a month so I'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves. We're going to do baptisms in the Brigham City Temple this week for about 60 family member names my brother has found so I'm excited for this unique and amazing opportunity!
One last thing..... I'm dieing to go on an adventure somewhere..... NYC, San Fran, Hawaii..... So if anyone wants to go let me know!!!! I need to get out and take a break :)
I still need to finish my post about Hawaii, but that will have to wait :) But until then here's a cute picture of my "nephew" as I like to call him! This is my friend's Jake and Sadie's baby Jack! He is so stinking adorable and I love the time I get to spend with him! He is getting so big already!
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