Today I worked my first official shift at the hospital by myself with a whole team of patients. I really am getting old.... it is so weird to have an actual "grownup" job. I am loving my job, but man it can be brutal sometimes. 12 hour shifts with a huge workload really makes you have to manage your time, prioritize, and try to keep your stress under control or else you pretty much get run over. I am learning so much and feel like I'm picking things up really fast. It's helping me grow and change in a good way. Of course the inevitable is experience will be key, which is hard because I just want to be perfect now, but you definitely learn from your mistakes. A couple things I've been thinking back to today....
1) The body is seriously amazing. I worked from 5 am to 5:30 pm on a little over an hour asleep. I honestly don't know how I was functioning. I literally was running on adrenaline.
2) The highlight of my day was one of my patients finally peed! I seriously did a happy dance and almost burst into tears I was so relieved.
3) Caffeine gets you through anything.
Whelp.... there's my little thought of the day. Gotta love life! Can't wait for Thanksgiving :)
Friday, November 16, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
I guess it's time for an update......
So last the blog world heard from me I was unsure of if I could find a job, if I would have to move..... basically where my life was headed :) Well I am pleased to announce that LOGAN is where I'm supposed to stay. After a long search, many prayers, and job application after job application, I found not one, but TWO nursing jobs!!! At the end of August I got hired on at Access Home Care and Hospice as a pediatric nurse and a couple weeks after that I got hired on at Cache Valley Hospital on their MED/SURG, inpatient floor!!! The fact I got hired on at the hospital as a new RN is just unreal to me!!! Words can't express how grateful I am to have gotten that position.
The last couple months have definitely been a blur :) Most if not all of my time has been spent training or working.... at least the pay is worth it right? It has been very hard, challenging, and kind of scary starting into a new job, let alone my career, but I have learned so much and gained a lot of experience from it. At the end of this month I will just be switching down to one job, which I am so grateful for. Coordinating schedules for both jobs has been a bit of a challenge. I will just be working at the hospital. I'm technically just hired as a PRN nurse, but they have me scheduled full time for the next little while which I am excited for so hopefully I can move into a more secure position when the opportunity comes up!
I loved working home care when I was a CNA, but I have found that as a nurse it's just not for me. I've gotten to work with some very sweet kids, but I have found that the hospital setting is just a better fit for me and what I'm looking for in a lifetime career. I also get more of an opportunity to use more of my nursing skills and surgery has always been so fascinating to me. I have adored all of the people I work with at CVSH. I have been amazed at all the wonderful people that work there and how everything runs. I did my internship there while I was still in school and I was so fortunate to be able to keep working there and improving my skills. God was definitely looking out for me! I wouldn't be where I am without his guidance. I never pictured this is where I would have ended up, but I'm so glad he pushed me in the right direction :)
So now that I know I'll be staying in Logan for the next long while.... I'm hoping to move out ASAP to somewhere in north logan area with some good roomies so if anyone is interested... hit me up ;) I'm ready to move out again!
As if the whole new job change wasn't enough...... I also got a new car!!!!!! My old car just decided it was time to retire so on a whim I had to go find a new car and I'm very happy with my 2010 Mazda 3!!!!! I love love LOVE it!!!! I was hoping to wait another year to get a new car because I wanted something with all-wheel drive, but this car will suite me just fine for now at this stage of life :)
Oh and then I decided that wasn't enough change in my life so I dyed my hair!!!! hahaha I am now a brunette and I love it!!! It's been fun to change it up :) Some people don't recognize me anymore so I find that entertaining.
Well that's my life the last little while in a nutshell! Life has been crazy lately with trying to balance work, being the relief society president in my ward, family, friends, social life, and sleep? yeah I don't really know what that is anymore ha I work both days and nights so my body is pretty messed up! Ha I can't complain though. I am very blessed and happy with where my life is headed! My bro leaves on his mission in like a month so I'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves. We're going to do baptisms in the Brigham City Temple this week for about 60 family member names my brother has found so I'm excited for this unique and amazing opportunity!
One last thing..... I'm dieing to go on an adventure somewhere..... NYC, San Fran, Hawaii..... So if anyone wants to go let me know!!!! I need to get out and take a break :)
I still need to finish my post about Hawaii, but that will have to wait :) But until then here's a cute picture of my "nephew" as I like to call him! This is my friend's Jake and Sadie's baby Jack! He is so stinking adorable and I love the time I get to spend with him! He is getting so big already!
The last couple months have definitely been a blur :) Most if not all of my time has been spent training or working.... at least the pay is worth it right? It has been very hard, challenging, and kind of scary starting into a new job, let alone my career, but I have learned so much and gained a lot of experience from it. At the end of this month I will just be switching down to one job, which I am so grateful for. Coordinating schedules for both jobs has been a bit of a challenge. I will just be working at the hospital. I'm technically just hired as a PRN nurse, but they have me scheduled full time for the next little while which I am excited for so hopefully I can move into a more secure position when the opportunity comes up!
I loved working home care when I was a CNA, but I have found that as a nurse it's just not for me. I've gotten to work with some very sweet kids, but I have found that the hospital setting is just a better fit for me and what I'm looking for in a lifetime career. I also get more of an opportunity to use more of my nursing skills and surgery has always been so fascinating to me. I have adored all of the people I work with at CVSH. I have been amazed at all the wonderful people that work there and how everything runs. I did my internship there while I was still in school and I was so fortunate to be able to keep working there and improving my skills. God was definitely looking out for me! I wouldn't be where I am without his guidance. I never pictured this is where I would have ended up, but I'm so glad he pushed me in the right direction :)
So now that I know I'll be staying in Logan for the next long while.... I'm hoping to move out ASAP to somewhere in north logan area with some good roomies so if anyone is interested... hit me up ;) I'm ready to move out again!
As if the whole new job change wasn't enough...... I also got a new car!!!!!! My old car just decided it was time to retire so on a whim I had to go find a new car and I'm very happy with my 2010 Mazda 3!!!!! I love love LOVE it!!!! I was hoping to wait another year to get a new car because I wanted something with all-wheel drive, but this car will suite me just fine for now at this stage of life :)
Oh and then I decided that wasn't enough change in my life so I dyed my hair!!!! hahaha I am now a brunette and I love it!!! It's been fun to change it up :) Some people don't recognize me anymore so I find that entertaining.
Well that's my life the last little while in a nutshell! Life has been crazy lately with trying to balance work, being the relief society president in my ward, family, friends, social life, and sleep? yeah I don't really know what that is anymore ha I work both days and nights so my body is pretty messed up! Ha I can't complain though. I am very blessed and happy with where my life is headed! My bro leaves on his mission in like a month so I'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can before he leaves. We're going to do baptisms in the Brigham City Temple this week for about 60 family member names my brother has found so I'm excited for this unique and amazing opportunity!
One last thing..... I'm dieing to go on an adventure somewhere..... NYC, San Fran, Hawaii..... So if anyone wants to go let me know!!!! I need to get out and take a break :)
I still need to finish my post about Hawaii, but that will have to wait :) But until then here's a cute picture of my "nephew" as I like to call him! This is my friend's Jake and Sadie's baby Jack! He is so stinking adorable and I love the time I get to spend with him! He is getting so big already!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Be still, my soul...
It's amazing how well God knows me. I've had two experience within the past couple months that can testify of that which are very similiar that I would like to share.
I have a subscription to something called "Inspirational Messages" through the church's website which sends me little thoughts or scripures daily by email. It's just something I have enjoyed to keep my mind in the right place each day and think about all my many blessings.
These past couple months have been somewhat intense and have really been emotionally draining. There's been a lot of ups and downs that have kept me on my toes. It's been a very busy summer and it has just flown by!
So back to where these inspirational thoughts come in......
The day I took my licensing exam for nursing (NCLEX) was one of the hardest things of my life. I had been studying constantly for the past while, was sleep deprived, and nearly a nervous wreck going into the biggest test that would define my career. I had studied and prayed and received a blessing from my dad. After 4 hours of intense testing I came out of it not knowing if I had passed or failed. I knew I would be have a lot of anxiety knowing I wouldn't know my results until at least 48 hours later. As I got in my car to drive home from Ogden with tears ready to explode from my eyes from the draining day, I grabbed my phone to check my messages. As I checked my email, I looked at the spiritual message of the day and couldn't contain my emotions as it read Alma 26:12 "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things;" I could swear that these messages were just written for me! This scripture has and always will be one of my favorites. It gives me so much peace and comfort to know that the Lord will be there to pick up my slack. He is right by my side to help me with all my challenges in this life.
The next experience came today as I found out my dear grandpa had passed away. It has been an emotional and heartbreaking past couple weeks as his health had increasing deteriorated and having to watch him suffer and be placed into a nursing home. As the news of his death was given to me, I read another inspirational message that proved to me that God listens and understands me personally. D&C 98: 1-3 "Fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks ..., for your prayers have entered into the ears of the Lord of the Sabaoth, and are recorded with this seal and testament--the Lord hath sworn and decreed that they shall be granted. Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name's glory, saith the Lord."
I know that God listens to me and understands what I'm going through. He is always there for me and knows what I need most. I'm grateful for His love for me that He was willing to give His son so that I may return to Him someday. I know that families are forever when we are sealed in the temple and continually renew our covenants with Him. This gospel is true. There is no other way. My life would have no meaning without it's principles. This church is inspired and has a very clear set out plan to help us achieve the greatest happiness there is; exaltation.
I have a subscription to something called "Inspirational Messages" through the church's website which sends me little thoughts or scripures daily by email. It's just something I have enjoyed to keep my mind in the right place each day and think about all my many blessings.
These past couple months have been somewhat intense and have really been emotionally draining. There's been a lot of ups and downs that have kept me on my toes. It's been a very busy summer and it has just flown by!
So back to where these inspirational thoughts come in......
The day I took my licensing exam for nursing (NCLEX) was one of the hardest things of my life. I had been studying constantly for the past while, was sleep deprived, and nearly a nervous wreck going into the biggest test that would define my career. I had studied and prayed and received a blessing from my dad. After 4 hours of intense testing I came out of it not knowing if I had passed or failed. I knew I would be have a lot of anxiety knowing I wouldn't know my results until at least 48 hours later. As I got in my car to drive home from Ogden with tears ready to explode from my eyes from the draining day, I grabbed my phone to check my messages. As I checked my email, I looked at the spiritual message of the day and couldn't contain my emotions as it read Alma 26:12 "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things;" I could swear that these messages were just written for me! This scripture has and always will be one of my favorites. It gives me so much peace and comfort to know that the Lord will be there to pick up my slack. He is right by my side to help me with all my challenges in this life.
The next experience came today as I found out my dear grandpa had passed away. It has been an emotional and heartbreaking past couple weeks as his health had increasing deteriorated and having to watch him suffer and be placed into a nursing home. As the news of his death was given to me, I read another inspirational message that proved to me that God listens and understands me personally. D&C 98: 1-3 "Fear not, let your hearts be comforted; yea, rejoice evermore, and in everything give thanks ..., for your prayers have entered into the ears of the Lord of the Sabaoth, and are recorded with this seal and testament--the Lord hath sworn and decreed that they shall be granted. Therefore, he giveth this promise unto you, with an immutable covenant that they shall be fulfilled; and all things wherewith you have been afflicted shall work together for your good, and to my name's glory, saith the Lord."

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
It's funny as I look back on my life and think about how I pictured things to turn out and how I thought things would go. Oh how wrong and naive I was! Ha here are a few realities that I have learned as I have experienced the college life and stepped into the adult world.... high school is so funny and makes you believe weird things!
1) Being 21 and single does not make you a menace to society or push you to become a cat lady! Ha I still feel so young and have so much to learn!
2) Graduating from college doesn't mean a job is just handed to you and you are set for life with your dream career... NOT TRUE!!!!
3) RM's are not scary. I used to think they were so intimidating... haha some of them come back still immature. Again, I said SOME not ALL.... :)
4) Having a missionary is not always the way to go. So glad I didn't have one. It works out for some people, but watching friends go through it has been so hard!
5) The most important opinion you should look at is YOURS and God's! No one cares! People move on from high school. You do things for you and no one else. It's not about attention anymore, it's about looking out for others and being the bigger person. It is so great :)
Well there's my thoughts of the day! Life is great and always an adventure. I'm working on another blog update right now that is going to be awesome! Stay posted. Loves<3
P.S. I haven't posted a lot about this summer so here's one from one of my many adventures to Bear Lake with some fun, fun people!!!!
1) Being 21 and single does not make you a menace to society or push you to become a cat lady! Ha I still feel so young and have so much to learn!
2) Graduating from college doesn't mean a job is just handed to you and you are set for life with your dream career... NOT TRUE!!!!
3) RM's are not scary. I used to think they were so intimidating... haha some of them come back still immature. Again, I said SOME not ALL.... :)
4) Having a missionary is not always the way to go. So glad I didn't have one. It works out for some people, but watching friends go through it has been so hard!
5) The most important opinion you should look at is YOURS and God's! No one cares! People move on from high school. You do things for you and no one else. It's not about attention anymore, it's about looking out for others and being the bigger person. It is so great :)
P.S. I haven't posted a lot about this summer so here's one from one of my many adventures to Bear Lake with some fun, fun people!!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Tonight, I'm just in awe at how wonderful my life is. I am blessed with the most amazing family. I have a great support system of friends and neighbors who truly care about me and my well-being. I live very comfortably and am pretty spoiled. I am surrounded by so many examples of complete faith and countless amounts of charity. It's been very humbling for me to take a step back from looking at my life and the challenges in it and seeing what others are currently going through right now. My mom and I drove around the cemetary today and looked at the grave sites of close friends who's lives ended too short. The memories flooded back into my heart along with all the emotions. I am amazed by all that has happened in the past couple years and how much I have grown from it. I have truly seen the Lord's hand in my life. He has constantly been on the look out for me. I know He loves me and is guiding me where I need to go. Although my future in the next year, let alone the next couple of months, is completely up in the air. I know He will guide me to where I need to be. I'm so grateful for the examples I have to remind me of what truly is important and what I should be striving for. I'm grateful for all the opportunities I have to grow and help those around me. Life can be hard at times, but the little rewards and the sweet reminders of pure joy make it all worth it. Life is wonderful.... :)
Monday, May 14, 2012
Still Alive
Hello Blogging World!
Yes I'm still alive. Just been busy, ya know... with GRADUATING COLLEGE and living it up in HAWAII!! Blog posts to come on those with pics, but just checking in.... This past week has been a little rough with adjusting back to real life. I've been frustrated with work, but then I realized it's motivating me to study for my test so I can get the heck out of there and get a new job. A blessing in disguise I guess. Anyways stay tuned. Updates are on their way. Love ya'll :)
Yes I'm still alive. Just been busy, ya know... with GRADUATING COLLEGE and living it up in HAWAII!! Blog posts to come on those with pics, but just checking in.... This past week has been a little rough with adjusting back to real life. I've been frustrated with work, but then I realized it's motivating me to study for my test so I can get the heck out of there and get a new job. A blessing in disguise I guess. Anyways stay tuned. Updates are on their way. Love ya'll :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentines Day!
My mom used this in her relief society lesson the other week and I absolutely loved it! It truly makes you think about what this holiday is truly about; recognizing the good in ourselves and others and showing gratitude to those we love. Hope you enjoy! It's called...
"The Parable of the Rose"
A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully, and before it blossomed he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom-- and also the thorns. and he thought, "How can any beautiful flower come form a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?" Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and before it was able to bloom, it died...
So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose- the God like qualities planted in us at birth-- growing amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects. We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.
Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the Savior's greatest characteristics was that He was able to show people the kingdom of heaven within them. He was able to reach past their thorns and show them the rose.
This is the characteristic of love-- to look at a person, and, knowing his faults, recognizing the nobility in his soul, and help him realize that he can overcome his faults. If we show him the rose, he will conquer the thorns, then he will blossom, bringing forth thirty, sixty, or a hundred-fold as it is given to him.
Our duty in this world is to help our brothers and sisters by showing them their roses and not their thorns. Only then can we achieve the love the Savior wants us to feel for each other; only then can we become perfect as He wants us to be and blossom in the garden of His Father."
- Author Unknown
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Adjust Your Sails
Why yes it is a Saturday night and I am blogging. Why do you ask? Well for one I am procrastinating writing a paper and two, I am home sick. BUMMER. Of course the weekend when it seems all the fun stuff is going on and I had all these awesome plans set is the one that my body decides to all of a sudden freak out and I'm sick as a dog. No I'm not dying, but man I hate feeling left out!! I like to be in the middle of all the partying hahaha oh well... hopefully I won't be confined to my home much longer or I might just go crazy!
I've been meaning to write a post for awhile, but just haven't found the right words to say that I felt were appropriate. But then I remembered the analogy that is totally applying to my life as of late..... "You can't control the sea, but you can adjust your sails."
The sea I've been riding in lately has sure seemed like a stormy one. There's been times I've thought I was gonna fall overboard. My ship has not been stable. But through it all, the one thing that has kept me going is keeping my eyes on my Savior. I've said many times that "I don't know what to think, but all I know is that I have the faith that my Savior will make everything right."
Life ISN'T fair. It never will be. You can choose to accept it and move forward or be unhappy. For me, I've had to look for the positive things because a lot of things happen that you can't control. What you can control is your reaction to them. People can try and tear you down, but if you are aware of who you truly are and who God knows you to be... nothing else matters. You may have to face situations and circumstances you don't like, but in the end, you will be a better person because of it.
I'm at a point in my life where it seems all the most important decisions are at my feet. And amidst all of that, I've had things that I felt very confident with fall through, which has made me question a lot of things I've desired. I had a friend comment today on a discussion we were having and how the advice I had given him was totally something he was not expecting me to say. It got me to thinking about how much I've changed. How much my perspective on life has not only changed since high school, but just in this past year or so. I want different things. I'm more aware of what's going on around me. I understand the reality, but I'm also hopeful of the best outcomes for each situation.
Lately I've realized how important it is to live in the moment. Look at what you have; what's in front of you. Take every chance that comes your way. Life is TOO short not to! I feel like honesty and communication are taken for granted so often and they are some of the things I so strongly strive for! I am so grateful for all the wonderful blessings I have in my life. Most importantly, this GOSPEL. For in it, I see the beauty of this life that surrounds me; I recognize the importance to my life each day. What a wonderful gift we all have to strive to lift others around us, to form beautiful relationships, to witness the tender mercies of our Lord and Savior, and to strive to become the Gods and Goddesses are Heavenly Father wishes us to be. These are the things that help me keep my ship steady when the sea seems to be relentlessly out of control. I'm grateful for all the many testimony builders that help me see what I am truly searching for and remind me that everything will work out according to God's will and timing.
I've been meaning to write a post for awhile, but just haven't found the right words to say that I felt were appropriate. But then I remembered the analogy that is totally applying to my life as of late..... "You can't control the sea, but you can adjust your sails."
The sea I've been riding in lately has sure seemed like a stormy one. There's been times I've thought I was gonna fall overboard. My ship has not been stable. But through it all, the one thing that has kept me going is keeping my eyes on my Savior. I've said many times that "I don't know what to think, but all I know is that I have the faith that my Savior will make everything right."
Life ISN'T fair. It never will be. You can choose to accept it and move forward or be unhappy. For me, I've had to look for the positive things because a lot of things happen that you can't control. What you can control is your reaction to them. People can try and tear you down, but if you are aware of who you truly are and who God knows you to be... nothing else matters. You may have to face situations and circumstances you don't like, but in the end, you will be a better person because of it.
I'm at a point in my life where it seems all the most important decisions are at my feet. And amidst all of that, I've had things that I felt very confident with fall through, which has made me question a lot of things I've desired. I had a friend comment today on a discussion we were having and how the advice I had given him was totally something he was not expecting me to say. It got me to thinking about how much I've changed. How much my perspective on life has not only changed since high school, but just in this past year or so. I want different things. I'm more aware of what's going on around me. I understand the reality, but I'm also hopeful of the best outcomes for each situation.
Lately I've realized how important it is to live in the moment. Look at what you have; what's in front of you. Take every chance that comes your way. Life is TOO short not to! I feel like honesty and communication are taken for granted so often and they are some of the things I so strongly strive for! I am so grateful for all the wonderful blessings I have in my life. Most importantly, this GOSPEL. For in it, I see the beauty of this life that surrounds me; I recognize the importance to my life each day. What a wonderful gift we all have to strive to lift others around us, to form beautiful relationships, to witness the tender mercies of our Lord and Savior, and to strive to become the Gods and Goddesses are Heavenly Father wishes us to be. These are the things that help me keep my ship steady when the sea seems to be relentlessly out of control. I'm grateful for all the many testimony builders that help me see what I am truly searching for and remind me that everything will work out according to God's will and timing.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
BRF: Best Roomates FOREVER
Change is inevitable. People come and go. Good and bad things happen. As I look back on my life, I think about those moments where I've had rough times and the times I've been stretched to what feels like my limit. I think of all the heartache, fear, and despair.... but then, I remember the tender mercies which God sent my way to help me cope with all the changes and hard times. Most of the time those came in the form of angels and one of them is named Hailey Wankier.
Since Hailey is leaving on her mission tomorrow, I felt it was appropriate to write a post all about her because she is one of my bestest friends in the entire world! She is one of the most kind, fun-loving, hilarious people I have ever met. She has a heart of gold and a strong testimony of this gospel with with she constantly lives and acts upon. I am so sad I have to say goodbye, but the people of Washington D.C. are incredibly lucky to have her to rely on. She will do amazing work there and have an impact on everyone she comes in contact with.
I met Hailey my first year of college. We were set up to be roommates by a woman in my homeward who is related to her. I'm not gonna lie I was worried to move in with people I didn't know, but I was oh so glad I took that chance! From that risk I gained a best friend I will probably have for the rest of my life! We have been through so much together. Going into the college/adult was a big adjustment, but she made it so much better. We've laughed through the awkward and funny moments, had heart to hearts about our deepest desires, and gotten through the daily struggles together. We have so many memories that I cherish and have been reminiscing about this week. I look forward to many more to come. I cannot thank the Lord enough for giving me such a great friend I can rely on! I love you Hailey Wankier!! BRFTE!!!!!! <3
Since Hailey is leaving on her mission tomorrow, I felt it was appropriate to write a post all about her because she is one of my bestest friends in the entire world! She is one of the most kind, fun-loving, hilarious people I have ever met. She has a heart of gold and a strong testimony of this gospel with with she constantly lives and acts upon. I am so sad I have to say goodbye, but the people of Washington D.C. are incredibly lucky to have her to rely on. She will do amazing work there and have an impact on everyone she comes in contact with.
I met Hailey my first year of college. We were set up to be roommates by a woman in my homeward who is related to her. I'm not gonna lie I was worried to move in with people I didn't know, but I was oh so glad I took that chance! From that risk I gained a best friend I will probably have for the rest of my life! We have been through so much together. Going into the college/adult was a big adjustment, but she made it so much better. We've laughed through the awkward and funny moments, had heart to hearts about our deepest desires, and gotten through the daily struggles together. We have so many memories that I cherish and have been reminiscing about this week. I look forward to many more to come. I cannot thank the Lord enough for giving me such a great friend I can rely on! I love you Hailey Wankier!! BRFTE!!!!!! <3
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