Today I worked my first official shift at the hospital by myself with a whole team of patients. I really am getting old.... it is so weird to have an actual "grownup" job. I am loving my job, but man it can be brutal sometimes. 12 hour shifts with a huge workload really makes you have to manage your time, prioritize, and try to keep your stress under control or else you pretty much get run over. I am learning so much and feel like I'm picking things up really fast. It's helping me grow and change in a good way. Of course the inevitable is experience will be key, which is hard because I just want to be perfect now, but you definitely learn from your mistakes. A couple things I've been thinking back to today....
1) The body is seriously amazing. I worked from 5 am to 5:30 pm on a little over an hour asleep. I honestly don't know how I was functioning. I literally was running on adrenaline.
2) The highlight of my day was one of my patients finally peed! I seriously did a happy dance and almost burst into tears I was so relieved.
3) Caffeine gets you through anything.
Whelp.... there's my little thought of the day. Gotta love life! Can't wait for Thanksgiving :)