Since Hailey is leaving on her mission tomorrow, I felt it was appropriate to write a post all about her because she is one of my bestest friends in the entire world! She is one of the most kind, fun-loving, hilarious people I have ever met. She has a heart of gold and a strong testimony of this gospel with with she constantly lives and acts upon. I am so sad I have to say goodbye, but the people of Washington D.C. are incredibly lucky to have her to rely on. She will do amazing work there and have an impact on everyone she comes in contact with.
I met Hailey my first year of college. We were set up to be roommates by a woman in my homeward who is related to her. I'm not gonna lie I was worried to move in with people I didn't know, but I was oh so glad I took that chance! From that risk I gained a best friend I will probably have for the rest of my life! We have been through so much together. Going into the college/adult was a big adjustment, but she made it so much better. We've laughed through the awkward and funny moments, had heart to hearts about our deepest desires, and gotten through the daily struggles together. We have so many memories that I cherish and have been reminiscing about this week. I look forward to many more to come. I cannot thank the Lord enough for giving me such a great friend I can rely on! I love you Hailey Wankier!! BRFTE!!!!!! <3